帕尔马大学是世界上最古老的大学之一。创于12世纪,至今30 000注册学生。 该校主要课程设置大都在帕尔马市有着悠久历史。据资料显示,10到11世纪间, 该市已建体制完善的院校,特别是在法律系中,拥有出众的教师。该校在帕尔马几个世纪的历史中,一直在文化也专业领域扮演着重要角色。在1859年, 帕尔马大学以新的面貌诞生了,并从那时起发展到至今卓越的水平。下面出国留学网小编为你介绍帕尔马大学学习设施服务。
Learning services and facilities
e-mail: bibliot@unipr.it
The literary resources of the University of Parma are kept in the many libraries. The implementation of web information services, including bibliographic data and electronic magazines, has significantly increased the range and quality of the services offered by the University Libraries, that offer literary resources up to around 1,000,000 books and 8,000 magazine subscriptions.
All these resources are available to visitors, especially students, researchers, professors and lecturers, as well as to the University staff, and also to other people with particular research and study needs. The University Librarians will help all visitors, providing specialized bibliographic information and helping with specific research in various disciplines.
All the libraries and structures coordinating the library activities and dealing with buying books and magazines are part of our University library system. The library department is responsible for all activities pertaining to libraries and the related services, and it coordinates the general aspects of library financing and takes care of the structures management.
邮箱 bibliot@unipr.it
Appost@perte (Students' individual e-mail)
e-mail: appostaperte@unipr.it
The 'Appost@perte' e-mail service was established by the University of Parma to be used by any registered student: each of them is supplied with an e-mail address which, except coincidence of names among the students, will be written as follows: name.surname@studenti.unipr.it.
Each mailbox is free and has a 10 MB capacity. This service can be used to communicate directly with the University in order to ask for information on a student's career, the attended courses, etc. The University also uses e-mail to send notices in real time.
appost@perte (学生个人邮箱)
邮箱 appostaperte@unipr.it
Registering for exams via the Internet
Simply access the University's website, click "registering for exams via the Internet" and select a Course.
This allows students to view all lectures and the related attendance registers in order to apply via Internet. Complete the form to register for the exam, indicating the same username and password as for Appost@perte.
Computer laboratories and WI-FI
Computer laboratories are available to students in most university buildings.
The Wi-Fi service allows the connection to the University net in almost all areas and it's accessible to staff and students through e-mail and password.
Internet access
The University provides several internet stations, which are available to all students for study purposes.
Other internet access points:
at the Informagiovani, in the municipal libraries and the Biblioteca Palatina, where you can consult on-line catalogues or carry out scientific research.
Further information are available at computer laboratories.
意大利留学 帕尔马大学的申请指南
意大利留学 帕尔马大学院系及专业设置介绍